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    Name: Dr. Svetlana Nikic
    Room Number: 125
    Academic Instructional Coach (AIC)
    Building Phone: 352-1043
    (ext. 22705)
    B.S. Mechanical Engineering
    B.S. Info. Management
    M.S. Info. Management
    M.S Ed. Administration
    Ph.D. Educ -Teaching and Learning
    CAEL-Advanced Leadership
    Gifted K-12
    Special Reading K-12
    Math 5-9
    Business 9-12
    Administration K-12
    Teacher Message:

    "To succeed... you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you."
                                                                                                                        Tony Dorsett
     “Real learning gets to the heart of what it means to be human. Through learning we recreate ourselves. Through learning, we become able to do something we were never able to do. Through learning, we perceive the world and our relationship with it. Through learning, we extend our capacity to create, to be part of the generative process of life. There is within each of us a deep hunger for this type of learning.”                                                                                                                          Peter Senge

    I am proud to say that I graduated from Washington University with a master's degree in Information Management and also earned a master's degree in Education Administration from UMSL. I furthered my education by completing my Ph.D. in teaching and learning processes at UMSL, which was a great accomplishment. In 2023, I had the incredible opportunity to participate in the certification program in advanced educational leadership at Harvard University, which was an enriching experience that broadened my knowledge and skills.

    My journey in education began in 2001 when I joined Saint Louis Public Schools as a computer teacher. Over the years, I progressed to become an academic instructional coach, which allowed me to make a significant impact on students' education. It was a fulfilling role that I cherished. I am truly grateful for the recognition I received during my career. In 2006, I was honored to be named the Saint Louis Public School "Teacher of the Year" and received the prestigious Emerson Electric "Teaching for Excellence" award. These acknowledgments served as a testament to my dedication and commitment to providing quality education. My passion for research led me to design and implement two impactful studies, the "Global Classroom Initiative" and the "Virtual Professional Learning Community." I had the privilege of presenting these studies at various national and international conferences, where I had the opportunity to share my findings and collaborate with fellow educators.

    In addition to my involvement in education, I also find joy in other aspects of life. I have a deep love for traveling, art, nature, and cultural exploration. These experiences have enriched my perspective and allowed me to bring diverse perspectives into my teaching. Recently, I achieved another milestone by having a book chapter published in the esteemed "Handbook of Research: The Global Empowerment of Educators and Student Learning Through Action Research" in 2021. It was an honor to contribute to this influential publication and present my research at international conferences, furthering my knowledge and understanding of the field of education.

    On a personal note, I find immense fulfillment in volunteering as a judge at the FIRST Lego League State Championship. It is incredible to witness the creativity, innovativeness, and passion for scientific inquiry displayed by the students. This calling has deepened my admiration for their abilities and dedication. Overall, I am grateful for the opportunities and achievements that have shaped my educational journey. I am excited to continue making a positive impact in the field of education and pursuing my passions for research, travel, art, nature, and cultural exploration.


     Email:  svetlana.nikic@slps.org


    Academic Coaching


    SLPS Academic Instructional Coaches (AICs) develop teachers who can serve the whole child, create equitable classrooms and schools, and provide students with learning experiences so they will graduate and be college and career-ready.


    Each Title I school has an Academic Instructional Coach (AIC).  They function in an academic support role, as a member of your school leadership team.   School Leadership Teams are made up of the Principal, the Assistant Principal (if your school has one, which is based on enrollment numbers), and the AIC.  The team works together to ensure a high-quality education for every single SLPS child.

     AICs are NOT evaluative; they are a support role!

     What Role does the AIC play in my life?

    AICs are regular visitors to your classroom.  If you are NOT a teacher on the STL Plan, they will provide you with feedback on their observation and engage in a coaching cycle if you determine that is the next step.

     AICs are a keeper of data and goals for you, your students, and your school.  They coach around data, provide professional development around data and lead Data Team Meetings.

    •  What if I have a Consultant Teacher?

    Your AIC is a TEAMMATE with your CT.  Your CT provides all feedback to you, so you don’t have to try to balance too much feedback and possibly even conflicting feedback.  Your CT role IS THE PRIMARY COACHING ROLE in your first year.  Once you graduate from the plan, you will transition to working entirely with your AIC. 

     What academic support can my AIC provide?

    • Lesson planning and Resources
    • Instructional Strategies
    • Standard, Objective, & Lesson Alignment
    • Coaching Cycles
    • Modeling
    • Mentoring
    • Class and Student Trackers
    • Student Motivation and Engagement
    • Brainstorming/Collaboration
    • Data Analysis and Trends
    • Testing Support 
    • Class Resources
    • Quality Feedback 
    • Non-evaluative Observations
    • Thought partnership on ideas

    What non-academic support can my AIC provide?

    • Building schedules
    • Protocols and procedures specific to your school site
    • Assessment Support (especially district and state)
    • A shoulder to cry on when times are tough (and they will get tough) to help you get through to the times when times are beautiful (and they will be beautiful).
    What do your AICs want you to know?

    “There is no such thing as a stupid question. Meaning- if you aren’t sure, please ask! We have many answers but not all and if we don’t know, then we can find out.”

     “We are great listeners. If you need to talk about anything just come by. We will talk, listen, laugh and cry, if needed, together.”