• Core Values

    The students, staff and parents voted for the words below to be our school's core values. There are many other good words that we have in our everyday vocabulary, but these are the special words that are most important to us. The students and staff created our own definitions for them.
    Respect - showing courtesy and kindness to everyone and yourself, and treating others as you would like to be treated.
    Responsibility - doing what is expected of you, including when no one is looking.
    Self Control - managing your own actions under pressure.
    Determination - to strive for something, to believe in yourself, to work hard and never give up.
    Honesty - telling the whole truth and being trustworthy and fair; acting with integrity and not deceiving people.


    Mission Statement

    Our mission is to inspire our students to value academic and personal growth through character education and to empower them to become contributing members of our global society.