
    Ms. Diehl

    Name: Sonya Diehl
    Subject(s): Health and Physical Education 
    7:30 AM - 7:50 AM - Character Connection
    7:52 AM - 8:47 AM - PERIOD 1
    8:49 AM - 9:44 AM - PERIOD 2
    9:46 AM - 10:41 AM - PERIOD 3
    Lunch 10:43- 11:13
     11:15 AM - 12:10 PM - PERIOD 4
     12:12 PM - 1:07 PM PLAN PERIOD
     1:09 PM - 2:04 PM - PERIOD 6
    2020-2021 Class Description:
     This class is designed for the middle school student. Students will assess their current level of fitness using various physical fitness tests. Included will be curl-ups, push-ups, and pacer test. Various health concepts will be discussed to give students a foundation to use in leading a healthy lifestyle. Concepts of physical fitness, cyberbullying and the body systems will be focused on during the 2019-2020 school year. All content meets the National and State standards for sixth through eighth grade students. You can access Ms. Diehl's web page by going to www.slps.org then goes to the school website and find the teacher. I really enjoy watching students accomplish many tasks and skills that they start off saying "I can't do that." I also feel proud when I see our students not only achieve academically, but also athletically. 
    Ms. Diehl was born in Ohio and raised in Arkansas. Ms. Diehl is in her 23 year teaching, 16 years for Saint Louis Public Schools. She has coached  girl's basketball, at the middle school level and girl's basketball, volleyball and softball on the high school level. 
    Ms. Diehl earned her Bachelor's Degree in K-12 Physical Education from Williams Baptist University in Walnut Ridge Arkansas.  She is certified to teach K-12 Health and K-12 Physical Education. During the 2016-2017 school year Ms. Diehl was a finalist for Teacher of the Year.
    I enjoy cycling, swimming and spending time with my family.