• Welcome Video
     Mr. Stausing
    Name: Dax Stausing
    Room Number(s): 127     
    Subject(s): World Cultures and Geography
    Building Phone: 314-352-1043
    Teacher Message: I will update the TEAM  page for each class weekly with homework and class activities. Students and parents please check the page daily and look at the homework calender. I have set up a Microsoft team page that I will monitor and post work and assignment and take questions, this is an essential tool for students and parents to find work, flies, and assignments. If a student misses class the TEAM page is available to be checked for work and to leave questions. Email me with any questions or concerns, that includes parents and students.  Check the class calender on my page, this is where I will be putting assignments and due dates. I communicate through email. So it is imperative that parents and students check email frequently.
    STUDENTS- We will be working on current events, world cultures, maps,and sometimes using CNN 10, I will post sites to use so make sure you practice responsibility and check this page for information daily. Follow Busch's social media pages for updates. Check the link on left for marked assignments for work. 

    Plan on time for lessons, practice work, and unique assignments.  If you do not have and iPad or laptop, you can access this on a phone.  


     PARENTS- Feel free to email with questions or concerns about class work, homework, assignments, or any class related questions. I am flexible and will work with you any way I can to help your child this year, just reach out to me.

    Biography: I've been teaching for 23+ years in St Louis Public Schools. I am a graduate of Union High School, received my undergrad from UMSL and my masters in administration from Lindenwood.
    Assignments: Will be updated and uploaded to teams daily. Make use of the Microsoft team page for all work, it will be posted under my name. Check the calendar and assignments on the LEFT and make use of my email for more information.
    Contact me: dax.stausing@slps.org or use the Microsoft 7th grade team page and click on my "channel" to see work and to talk with me.