• Classes of 1965-1969

    Special thanks to volunteer alums who donated their time, materials, and positivity to decorate our bulletin boards this year and brighten spirits during Teacher Appreciation Week 2019. They have also volunteered their time to create bulletin boards for our teachers and students, serve Ted Drewe's to our students, and make our chool a better place. 

    Good News from Some Busch Middle School of Character Alumni:

     My girlfriend (Linda Khotsyphom) and I (Joe Whittam) just celebrated our 4 year anniversary. We are both former students of AAA Busch as part of the graduating class of 97-98. With that being said, the school that we met at and where the seed of our love was planted; I decided to surprise Linda by bending my knee and proposing on the front steps of the current Busch Middle School. It was very emotional and I had trouble getting the words out as a flood of AAA Busch memories washed over me.  We are very proud to have gone to Busch and reminisce fondly of our time there.

     Congratulations to Soldan International Studies High School senior Daisia Lashay Brown.  She was recently honored as the Youth of the Year at the Tuxedo and Tennis Gala of the Monsanto Family YMCA.  Daisia excels in academics and is in the Top 10 of her graduating class.  She was honored for tutoring younger students in math and being committed to community service activities.

     A note from alum Ruth Weatherford:
    "I graduated from AAA in 1987.  We were located in the CWE at that time.  I was so very lucky to have attended and to have had such great teachers.  I attended all 3 years and on my very first day I did cry after school and didn't want to go back because it was so very hard and a long day(back then we went from 7:10-4:10 everyday).  I went back and kept going back and I am so glad I did.  Twenty years(at least) had past and I was dropping a friend's daughter off for summer school at the new location.  I walked her in and I saw a former gym teacher walking down the hall...he did a double take and walked back towards us.  He remembered me after all those years :)  He remembered I was shy and smart :)  We had such an awesome school...I hope it's still the same :) I have worked for Bank of America for 15 years and 5 years ago I moved STL to Jacksonville FL to take on a new role in the bank.  I am a Senior Fraud Analyst.  I am proud to say over the years some of my fellow bank associates have been former classmates from different schools in the SLPS.  You guys do make a difference not only to the community but to the work force :)    Keep up the great work.  I hope the school is around for years to come."
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