• Mr. H
    Name: Matthew Hoertel
    Room Number(s): 122
    Subject(s): U.S. History
    Building Phone: 314-352-1043
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    Teacher Message: Welcome eighth grade parents and students, I look forward to working with all of you this year! As you know, the school year poses many new challenges. However, I believe we can overcome almost any challenge with patience, understanding, and perseverance.
    This year you will learn the basics of U.S. History with a focus on the document that gives our government its power, the U.S. Constitution. There has never been a more important time to learn your rights and responsibilities as citizens, and to take an active role in society. One of my main goals for you this year is to make a connection between the past and present to help guide our actions in the future.
    Take care, 
    Mr. H
    Biography: I began teaching middle school social studies in 1996 in a small school in Illinois not far from Chicago. However, being from the St. Louis area, I decided to move closer to family. I served as a medical technician in the Air Force Reserves for almost nine years while I was teaching, and I completed the majority of my military duty at Scott AFB. I have a Bachelor of Science in History from S.I.U.E, and a Masters in Administration from Lindenwood University. Thank you for reading this brief bio, and I hope you have a great school year.  Go Bobcats!