How Our Students Connect

  • Character Connection is a daily 20-minute block of time we set aside for students to meet in groups.

    These groups are created by teachers and based on that teacher's passion or expertise. Students select which group they want to be in based on the theme of the group. Each group is made up of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders to allow students to connect across grade levels.

    Some days the group focuses on their "passion". On other days they do team-building activities to strengthen their relationships. At least once a week they have a discussion related to character education or current issues in the school.

    Both students and teachers love our Character Connection program, which was recognized by the Character Education Partnership as a Promising Practice in character education.

    Some examples of the groups we have are:
    -Student government
    -Sports and sportsmanship
    -Soccer skills
    -Current events
    -Social justice
    -The "Green Team"- composting and recycling