• YMCA Youth and Government Program
    Youth and Government Program-Sumner Delegation: (Click here to find out more!)

    Congratulations to delegate Romell Calhoun for being selected to represent the St. Louis area for advocacy day in Jefferson City on March 6th! Romell will join other students from across the region will be meeting with our state legislators to advocate for important issues. Romell Calhoun was also awarded the Most Outstanding Statesperson Award at the YMCA Missouri Youth and Government State Conference. This is an award given to highlight a Youth and Government delegate who demonstrates the ability to make well-informed arguments and speeches of affirmation and opposition and who also poses well researched, high-level questions during legislative debates. Romell was only three out of 375 students selected for this award.

    Sumner Alumni and 2023 graduate Calvin Carson was invited to the Gateway Region YMCA MLK Commemorative Breakfast for January 15th as one of the Keynote Speakers. He delivered an MLK speech and shared an oral history about Martin Luther King. Calvin served in the Sumner Youth and Government program from 2021-2023 and was selected for Most Outstanding Bill at the State Convention in 2023. He was also nominated for the YMCA Gateway Region Youth of the Year in 2023 and was selected as the Conference Life Committee Representative for the Conference on National Affairs representing the State of Missouri for Youth and Government at the National Youth and Government Convention in North Carolina in 2023.
    Calvin currently attends St. Louis Community College-Forest Park and is the Community Director of the Student Government Association (SGA) for the STLCC-Forest Park. He is also one of the College Reporters for the SGA, and he is the Secretary of the Poetry Club.