
    Dr. Wallace 


    Principal's Message  2023-2024

    On behalf of the faculty and staff of Sumner High School, I would like to welcome you to our bulldog website.  At Sumner High School we are going to make every effort to build significant relationships, provide exceptional education, and extend rich opportunities that will prepare our students with the necessary skills to be leaders in this society.  While at Sumner, I encourage each student to get involved in any activity in the school. We have high expectations at Sumner High School and believe that all our students can achieve. Our bulldog creed states: 

     Charles Sumner High School Creed 

    I believe in the ideas of good citizenship, both in my school and in my community.  I resolve to obey the laws of the school, to respect its traditions, to be respectful and obedient to my teacher, to be courteous and kind to my schoolmates, to do my work as thoroughly as I can, to be punctual in attendance, and clean in mind and body.   

     At Sumner High School, our teachers, faculty, and administration work really hard to ensure that we provide an environment that is safe, all-encompassing, encouraging, and scholastically exciting.  Students and parents, always know I am just a phone call away. It is my duty and responsibility to serve and protect our students.

    Please support your teachers and the bulldog staff members as we create the best environment for our scholars.