Phone: (740)720-0786 (for text) (314)352-1043 (call)


Degrees and Certifications:

BSEd in English (5th-9th Grade)

Ms. Ducey

Hey Bobcats!

I am Ms. Ducey, your 7th Grade Reading teacher. Saint Louis is my home and I am South City proud! What you will find out in my class is that I really, really, love books.

My philosphy is that reading books and learning from others experinces makes us better people. I am so excited to learn and discover the world with my students this year! 

Outside of school, I love to spend my time outside and listening to music on my record player. Hiking is a big passion of mine and I am an newly aspiring rock climber! You can also find me curled up next to my window reading a book.

 Please reach out with any questions to my email and any urgent matters to the phone numbers provided. Lets have a great year!