Phone: 314-533-9487


Degrees and Certifications:

BA General Studies in Communication MA Education- Special Education MA Educational Leadership

Mr. Stephen Taylor

This is my 24th year as an educator, I have worked in special education my whole career, I have 15 years as a special education teacher and 9 years as a Vocational Adjustment Counselor. I hold multple Degres, I have a Bachelor Degree from University of Missouri St. Louis and a Master's Degree from Fontbonne University in Special Education and a Master's Degree from St. Louis University in Educational Leadership. 

 I have lived in St. Louis my whole life and love my city! I am proud graduate of St. Louis Public School and a Alumni of Vashon High School. I enjoy working with all of the amazing students in the St. Louis Public School System.

I have been a Vocational Adjustment Counselor for Vashon High School for the past 6 years. I work with students, parents, teachers, Job Training sites to help students become successful in life. Some of my duties are managing vocational assesments,  Job training adn  placement, and following-up with students to make sure they have what they need to be successful after graduation.  I also provide transition services for the following schools Clyde C Miller Academy, Soldan International Studies, Collegiate Bio Medicine, and Nottingham CAJT.

I would like to stay in contact with you about your child's transition services during this diffcult time.  If you have any questions regarding your child's transition services, please contact me at  I will make every attempt to respond the same day.  I am also providing links to services you can access while school is not in session.
For information about case management throught the St. Louis Regional Tri-County Office of the Department of Mental Health:
Community service providers for individuals with disabilities that can provide a wide range of information and services:
Applications for Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation services and Department of Mental Health case management services can be found by clicking the "Applications" tab on my web page.
If you click on the "Resources" tab, you will find access to a number of resources for students interested in exploring the world of work.    
Additional resources for families during the summer