Phone: 3147730027


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Meghan Joshi

Room Number: 151

Middle School Guidance Counselor 


Welcome Video


Meghan Joshi 

Hi! I’m Counselor Joshi. I am here to help you academically, emotionally, and socially. We will talk about stress management, study skills, different kinds of jobs/careers, and more. Here’s a little background about me:

-a St. Louis Cardinals fan 

- Graduated school in Chicago, IL (Roosevelt University- Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling) and Atlanta, GA (Mercer University-School Counseling).

- ‘Travel’ is my middle name…

-I went skydiving.

- Ask me about a scary, but motivational story in New York or how my car broke down in Michigan on the way to the Lake.

So, are you ready for fun?

Come on by…Sign your name on my favorite ‘film/TV show/book/podcast’ list and tell me a fun fact about yourself!

P.S.- Chat with me with your questions, comments, and concerns. Email me at or visit Room 151

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