• McKinley Chess Club
    2023-2024 information coming soon!
    Advisor: Mr. Smith (Ellis.Smith@slps.org)
    2021-22: McKinley Chess Club is BACK!  The club meets weekly in Room 323.  Contact Mr. Smith (Ellis.Smith@slps.org) for more information.
    2020-21: Congratulations to McKinley students for winning the following honors at the 2021 SLPS Chess Tournament!
    • Top Team award
    • Individual 1st Place
    • Individual 2nd Place
    • Individual 3rd Place

    Click here to see tournament results on a district level.  Great work, Goldbugs!

     2021 Chess Tournament

    Prior to 2020-21: Check out this video from SLPS-TV about pre-COVID McKinley chess!