• McKinley Classical Leadership Academy
    Name: Kristen Wimbley
    Room Number(s): 311
    Subject(s): American Government, AP US Government and Politics, AP Psychology, and Personal Finance
    Building Phone: (314)773-0027
    Greetings students and parents. Welcome Back! I am very excited to be back for another great year at McKinley and I look forward to meeting new students and reconnecting with those I have taught before.
    If you need anything, please feel free to contact me via email at Kristen.Wimbley@slps.org
    I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA.  I attended Allegheny College and received a Bachelor of Arts in History.  I received my Masters in Education from Boston College, and did gifted course work at Maryville University.  I am certified to teach middle and high school Social Studies as well as Gifted Education K-12.  I began teaching in the St. Louis Public Schools in 2002 and have been at McKinley since 2006. 
    Outside of school I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, especially my husband and three daughters (ages 13, 10, and 6).

    Dear students and families,

                  Welcome back to the 2024-25 school year! I am excited to be back at McKinley for another great year of learning and growing. This year I will be teaching sophomores in Personal Finance, juniors in Government, and juniors and seniors in AP Government and AP Psychology. I love teaching social studies courses and helping young people explore our government structure and prepare to influence the world – Don’t forget to Vote – Your voice counts!

                  If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out via email or stop by room 311 and ask me a question!

    Have a great school year!

    Kristen Wimbley