• Welcome Message from Mrs. Kohli
    Sarika Kohli
    Name: Sarika Kohli
    Email: sarika.kohli@slps.org
    Room Number:309
    Subject(s): Trigonometry/Analytical Geometry, Advanced Algebra, AP Calculus AB, AP Statistics
    Building Phone:314-773-0027
    Office Hours: 7:00 AM - 2:17 PM
    A Days - Monday/Wednesday:
    Trig./Analytical Geometry (1st Period)  
    AP Statistics (3rd Period) 
    AP Calculus (4th Period)
    B Days - Tuesday/Thursday:
    Advanced Algebra (5th Period) 
    Trig/Analytical Geometry (6th Period)   
    Advanced Algebra(8th Period) 
    Fridays: Alternate A/B schedule
    My name is Sarika Kohli. I have been working at McKinley CLA since 2010. I have a Master's Degree in Mathematics, a Degree in Education, and am certified to teach in a gifted setting. In addition, I am also working as an adjunct faculty through UMSL(offering Dual Credit courses) and at Harris Stowe State University.

    Teaching mathematics to high school students is a challenge and I enjoy every minute of it. I believe that if students see success, they would be more willing to put in effort into learning what you have to offer. My beliefs and thoughts about teaching the subject have changed over the years and have been guided by the students I teach and their needs. 

    The main concern people have is not the fear of math, but the fear of failure. Math is intimidating and hard for quite a lot of people. My goal as a mathematics teacher is to detect and fill gaps in students' prior knowledge, reduce math anxiety, and motivate students to make an effort to learn mathematics and eventually become better at problem solving. If a student feels positive and has learned something which they did not know before entering the class, I feel accomplished!

    I look forward to working with your family!