• Welcome to the Middle School Black Student Union (BSU) – a vibrant and inclusive community that fosters awareness, empowerment, and positive change within our school environment. Our club is a gathering place for all students who are committed to making a difference and leaving a lasting impact on our community.

    At the Middle School BSU, we celebrate our school's rich diversity while focusing on the experiences, culture, and achievements of our Black students. Our mission goes beyond mere representation; we are driven to empower individuals to be conscious of their community and take active steps to enhance it.

    We strive to create an atmosphere that encourages education, awareness, and understanding through open discussions, engaging events, and collaborative initiatives. Our club serves as a platform where all students can come together, learn from one another, and work towards a more inclusive and empathetic school environment.

    Key Features of our Middle School BSU:

    1. Inclusivity: We welcome all students who are passionate about making a positive impact on our school community. Our doors are open to anyone who believes in the power of unity, understanding, and collective action.

    2. Community Consciousness: We emphasize the importance of being aware of our surroundings and understanding the needs of our school community. Through interactive discussions and projects, we encourage members to think critically about ways to address these needs.

    3. Empowerment: Our club is dedicated to empowering students by providing them with the knowledge and tools they need to create change. We believe every voice matters and can contribute to a more robust, vibrant school environment.

    4. Cultural Appreciation: We celebrate the rich cultural heritage of Black students and other communities of color. By sharing stories, traditions, and experiences, we aim to foster a greater understanding and appreciation for diversity.

    5. Education and Advocacy: We organize workshops, guest speakers, and awareness campaigns to educate our members and the broader school community about important issues related to social justice, equality, and representation.

    6. Collaboration: We actively collaborate with other school clubs, organizations, and faculty members to amplify our impact. We can create a more united and cohesive school community by working together.

    7. Positive Change: Our ultimate goal is to inspire positive change within our school environment. Whether through community service projects, awareness campaigns, or policy discussions, we strive to leave a lasting legacy of progress.

    Join us at the Middle School Black Student Union and be a part of a dynamic community dedicated to making a real difference. Together, we can shape a more conscious, inclusive, and vibrant school experience for everyone.

    (Below are some pictures of the Canned Food Drive we facilitated last year!)