Phone: 314-773-0027


Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. Human Resource Management M.A. Teaching -Business Education 9th-12th

Mrs. Sherry Sumrall

Welcome McKinley Students!

It is my pleasure to welcome you to CTE! 

This will be wonderful year full of learning Microsoft Applications, Business and fun!  Not to mention an incredible year of change.  You will be amazed at what your child will learn and bloom as a friend, computer wizard, and problem solver.

I look forward to working with all of my students this year, and I am excited by the anticaption of the countless milestones we will reach as a class.  

Thank you in advance for trusting me with your most precious possession.  I promise to treat each student with kindness and respect.  I will do my best to make this an amazing year!


Mrs. Sumrall