• McKinley ROBOTICS After-School Club

    FIRST Lego League (FLL) AND FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC)

    Greeting Students and Parents,

    My name is Mr. Boeser and I am the FIRST Robotics sponsor at McKinley for the 2024-25 school year. Thank you for your patience, as I know many are excited and anxious to get started with FLL and FTC as soon as possible. Robotics club begins meeting in August/September with competitions starting in November.

    I will be coaching the McKinley FTC Team Voltage. Mr. Gaither-Ganim is the coach for FLL team The Resistance. The middle school FLL team and the high school FTC teams will each contain 8 members max. We may add and/or subtract students from the Robotics club roster at our professional discretion following some procedural interventions. 

    If we have more applicants than team spaces, we must be selective which applicants can/will participate. Therefore, we will have an open tryout after school in early September. I will email all interested students at the email provided below for the actual tryout date. The tryout date is a great opportunity for students to learn about the club in general.

    Both FLL and FTC will meet Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:15 – 4:30pm. Please check to see if any other club, band, or sport practice/meet times create a conflict. Students must have a ride home in the form of a parent pick-up at 4:30.

    We are always looking for parent volunteers and another coach (as a backup) in case you or someone you know are able and inclined.

    The following sign-up form will be available in Mr. Boeser's classroom #G080, Mr. Gaither-Ganim's classroom #240, and in the cafeteria. We will announce these locations daily during the morning announcements. You can also copy/paste the following form and email Mr. Boeser ( brian.boeser@slps.org ):


    Please fill out the information below and return this entire form promptly if your child is interested such that we have communication about the club and team competitions. I will notify parents via email if/when his/her child is selected for the club (spaces may open up later if not selected initially).


    Mr. B. Boeser

    Robotics club sponsor/FLL/FTC coach                                                 


    (Please Print)

    Student name ______________________________________          Grade level ________

    Previous Robotic/FLL/FTC experience if any:



    Parent/Guardian name (only one required) ____________________________________

    Contact phone # ____________________________ alternate # _ _____________________________________

    Parent e-mail _______________________________________

    Are you able to volunteer? Yes / No   If so, which day(s) _______________________


    Advisor: Mr. Boeser (Brian.Boeser@slps.org)