

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Regina A. Johnson





Degree: Bachelor of Science in Nursing / Dietetic technology – Maryville University.

Certifications:  Certified Managed Care Nurse - American Association of Managed Care Nurses.

Registered Nurse - State of Missouri. 

Hello McKinley Family!

My name is Regina A. Johnson RN, BSN, CMCN. I am the full-time Register Nurse for McKinley Middle and High School for the last 6 years.

My nursing career has been very “Diverse”.  I have also worked 15 years for catholic charity as a Nurse Educator, and Nurse Medication Instructor.

At one point in my career, I worked for “WIC” (women, infant & children) program, as a Nutrition Educator. I have also worked at Covenant House for homeless teens as the Medication instructor.

I have a 23-year career as a medical analyst at Anthem Blue Cross, and those last 3 years with Anthem, I worked as a World Wide Case Manager, where I manage senior citizens health care needs all over the world.

I enjoy working with kids, especially pre-teens, and teenagers.

No matter where my career path has taken me, I all ways come back to taken care of children.

I am truly an advocate for the children.


Parents, if I do not receive update immunization / shot records for your children, they cannot physically come back to school.


It is cold and flu season again, and we must take COVID 19 serious. We must keep our students and staff healthy. 

All students must wear a face covering on the bus and at school.  While at school, all students must maintain a physical distance of 6 feet from others.  All students must wash their hands and use a sanitizer several times during the school day.


Please keep your child Home if they are sick with these symptoms:

fever greater than 100.4

sore throat

congestion/runny nose





difficulty breathing

loss of taste/smell.

Sick children with these symptoms will be sent home from school immediately.

Please send current phone numbers, and e-mail addresses to school.

Please have someone available to pick up your child from school. 


*If your child has a


Difficulty breathing

cannot smell or taste

This child must be seen by a “DOCTOR”.  These are symptoms of COVID 19.

Your child must have a “DOCTOR STATEMENT” in order to return to school. 

Parents please schedule appointment for physical exam and immunizations for your child.

Please send a copy of physicals, and update immunization records to the school nurse (Regina A, Johnson RN, BSN, CMCN).



Stay Healthy and Be Safe!




Regina A. Johnson RN, BSN, CMCN

Regina A, Johnson RN, BSN, CMCN

2156 Russell Blvd.

St. Louis, MO 63104

(314) 773-0027