• Middle School Computer Science Syllabus 2023-24



    Mr. Boeser (Bo-sir) • McKinley CLA• 314-773-0027 • Brian.Boeser@slps.org

    Room G080 (basement floor center)

    Planning Periods A days (M/W) 12:30 – 1:55pm, B days (T/Th) 7:10am – 8:40


    Course Description:

    This course will introduce the students to computer science (CS) concepts and programming.  The course will prepare the students for more complex coding programs and expose students to robotic engineering and programming. We will use various online coding services and Robotics kits to cover the following modules:


    Grade Level specific Syllabus as LINKS:

                6th grade Syllabus – Code.org: CS Fundamentals Express

                7th grade Syllabus – Code.org: CS Discoveries



    • Scratch (6th)
    • CS Fundamentals: Express – code.org (6th)
    • CS Discoveries (HTML/CSS) – code.org (7th)
    • Lego Mindstorm EV3 Robotics(6th)



    ***       Note: All due dates are subject to change, the above is an approximation


    Grade 6: Computer Science Fundamentals Express (Code.org)


    Skill Description

    Assessment/Project Due date (week of)


    Basic program












    Grade 7: Computer Science Discoveries (Code.org)



    Assessment/Project Due date (week of)

    2 lessons 1-13

    Web Development


    2 lessons 14-21

    Web Development


    3 lessons 1-8

    Interactive Games and Animations


    2 lessons 9-17

    Interactive Games and Animations



    Grade 8: CS Python Fundamentals (Projectstem.org)


    Course Rationale:

    The aim is to begin developing key skills that can be integrated into math and language arts curriculum to enhance logical reasoning, organizational, and collaboration skills. These skills will provide students a stronger base in STEM (science, technology, engineering, & math) courses.



    Academic Honesty Policy:

    Sanctions for breaches in academic integrity may range, depending on the severity of the offense from an “F” grade on an assignment or test to an “F” in the course. Severe cases and/or repeat offenses of academic dishonesty may also result in more severe disciplinary sanctions determined by the administration team.




    Online Resources used:



    • Microsoft Teams
    • CodeAcademy.com (7th)
    • w3schools.com (7th)
    • Code.org (6th, 7th)
    • CodeCombat.com (7th)
    • Repl.it (7th)
    • sololearn.com (7th)



    Evaluations of Students:

    Assessment is a way of measuring what students know and defining what is important for students to learn. It is an integral part of the learning process and occurs throughout instruction. A variety of alternative assessment methods are used for student evaluation which may include, but are not limited to the following:



    • Teacher observation of student
    • Teacher/student generated tests and quizzes
    • Class participation
    • Projects
    • Demonstrations
    • Explorations


    • Unexcused late assignments will receive half credit



    Classroom Rules:

    1. Be Respectful – self, others, rules, property
    2. No eating in class – two exceptions, water away from computers and individual candies
    3. Follow Directions


    Cellphone use is strictly prohibited in the classroom:

    This is a common issue with struggling students. Cell phones must remain put away (not out at all) during class per school policy to keep from distraction. Failure to do so will face progressive consequences (warning à storage compartment --> parent notification à confiscation by administration).




    A: 100 – 90      B: 89 – 80         C: 79 – 70        D: 69 – 60        F: < 60


    Participation (10%): General Class Participation, Respect for Class Rules, Staying on Task, & Attendance

    Classwork (40%): Do Now’s, Exit Slips, Daily Assignments, Peer Reviews, Quizzes

    Projects / Assessments (50%): Projects and written tests


    Classroom Materials:

    1. Notebook: (Mandatory/stored in class)
    2. Pen / Pencil: (mandatory)
    3. E-mail account: (mandatory, all students have district e-mail if needed)