Phone: 314-241-2295 x22207


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Shonta Jarvis

Planning Time: 10:54-11:51 M/W & 12:46-2:00 T/Th

CliftonStrength Profile:

1. Learner

2. Includer

3. Responsibilty

4. Arranger

5. Relator

Personal Statement: I am a lifelong learner who embraces inclusion, takes responsibility, excels in arranging, and cherishes meaningful relationships. With these strengths, I am motivated to make a positive impact in both my own life and the lives of those around me.

Teacher Message: Welcome Parents and Students! I am very excited to be working with you this school year. I look forward to learning, teaching and growing with you all. 

Biography: I'm a St. Louis Native, raised on the Southside of St.Louis City. I'm a Graduate of the St. Louis Public School System. I have an undergraduate degree in Criminal Justice. Im a wife, a mother and most importantly, a mentor to the youth and those in need of a positive/encouraging  voice. I love coaching, playing basketball and spending quality time with my family. 
             Happiness Is When What You Think, What You Say And What You Do Are In Harmony.
                                                                                                         -Mahatma Gandhi