Phone: 314-241-2295 x22103


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Bethany Grass

Planning Time 12:46-2:00 M/W & 8:20-9:34 T/Th

Room Number 153     

Clifton Strengths Profile:

1.  Achiever
2.  Responsibilty
3.  Arranger
4.  Relator
5.  Harmony

Promise Statement:  

I will achieve goals productively by connecting students to practical resources and fostering genuine relationships with them.


Teacher Message: I absolutely love math and I think numbers are just magical.  I find math to be inspiring, beautiful and incredibly useful. 

I have high expectations for my students. Math is everywhere and used every day. My goal is for the students to enjoy learning math in a fun and unique way! I look forward to a successful year for all our students.

Biography:  I am a graduate of Harris-Stowe University.  This is my 8th year teaching 8th grade at Gateway.  I enjoy spending time with my two children and traveling.