Phone: (314)-771-2772 Ext. 41211


Degrees and Certifications:

Miss Schuh

Subject: English

Room Number: 209

Teacher Message:

CVPA is my happy place. I feel so grateful to teach #thebestkidsinstlouis and to be a part of the incredible team here at Central. 


Miss Schuh has been a proud CVPA educator for thirteen years. She teaches Freshman Literature and AP Literature & Composition, a senior-level advanced placement course in which students can earn dual-enrollment credit through the University of Missouri - St. Louis.

A South City native, Miss Schuh grew up about a mile from CVPA. She earned a BA from Rockhurst University (KCMO) in 2007, a Masters in Literature from UMSL in 2016, and a Reading Specialist Certificate in 2020. In 2019, she was honored by Saint Louis Public Schools as the district Teacher of the Year.