•  All candidates for Student Council must be in and remain in compliance with the following rules before and during campaigns as well as during the entire tenure in office.


    General Requirements

    -          Candidates must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA

    -          Candidates must maintain a positive disciplinary record

    -          Candidates must maintain 90% attendance

    -          Candidates must attend the mandatory information session Monday, August 29 at lunch

    -          Candidates must submit a complete application by the application deadline.

    -          Students may hold only one elected position on Student Council (this does not include senior officer positions)



    -          Campaigns must be professional

    -          Campaign posters and materials must be approved by a faculty advisor before being posted or distributed in school

    -          Candidate materials may not contain profanity, vulgarity, “racy” or otherwise inappropriate language, photos, etc.

    -          Negative campaigning is strictly prohibited

    -          Campaign materials may only be posted in approved areas during the campaign week

    -          Candidates and their affiliates may not tamper with other candidates’ materials

    -          Failure to comply with these or other rules may result in removal from the ballot or from Student Council positions


    Election Timeline

    -          Candidate Declaration Deadline (August 26)

    -          Candidate Eligibility Confirmation (August 29)

    -          Student Council Information Meeting – at lunch (August 29)

    -          Campaign Week (September August 30-September 2)

    -          Election Day (September 2)

    -          Election Winners Announced (September 6)

    -          First Student Council Meeting – (TBD)


    Available Positions

    -          Student Council President

    -          Student Council Vice President

    -          Student Council Secretary

    -          Student Council Treasurer

    -          Senior Class Representative (2)

    -          Junior Class Representative (2)

    -          Sophomore Class Representative (2)

    -          Freshman Class Representative (2)