• Wagner Portrait Group is a locally-owned private corporation that operates in the Midwest. Growing rapidly due to great successes, we currently have 7 offices throughout the area. WPG customer service representatives are located across the states including several that serve your area! We pride ourselves in specifically designing programs, meeting special requests, and fulfilling school-wide and individual customer needs. Wagner Portrait Group is proud to be celebrating over 30 years of serving schools as the largest independent photography company in the Midwest!

    Picture Day Tips
    All students want to look their best in school pictures. Follow these few tips and leave the rest to our experienced photographers.

    Wear Solid Colors
    Preferable in more subdued hues, they enhance facial tones and do not detract from expression. Very bright colors really stand out and can lighten or darken flesh tones. Wear long or short sleeved tops, avoid sleeveless.

    We will do our best to minimize glass glare and with our Premium Retouching services most glare can be removed however in some cases it cannot be eliminated. We recommend borrowing a pair of lenseless frames from your optometrist if this is a concern.

    Avoid the Just Cut Look
    If your hair needs a trim, have it done as soon as possible to avoid the "just cut" look on picture day.

    Wearing Accessories
    Choose accessories that won't detract from your timeless portrait. Wearing simple earrings, necklaces, and hair adornments will enhance your image.

    Other Things to Note
    Be confident.
    Don't be afraid to smile big. It's your time to shine.
    Lighten the mood, make the pictures fun.

    You can place your order on line at www.wagnerportraitgroup.com Password: CVPA
    Packages from $10-$69 (Package Add ons also available)