- Compton-Drew ILC Middle School
- Syllabus
Scott, Melanie- 7th Grade Pre Algebra
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Melanie Scott
Instructor Planning Period for Appointments:
Thursdays, 9-9:30am
School Phone: 314-652-9282
Seventh Grade Pre-Algebra
Course Description: In 7th Grade Mathematics, we will cover algebra, geometry, probability, number sense, and graphing. By the end of the course, students will have a deep understanding of algebraic expressions, equations and inequalities as well as how to represent algebraic relationships graphically. Students will be able to make predictions about events and compile data onto a graph. Students will understand how mathematics is used in everyday life and they will be able to apply the problem-solving strategies covered daily in class to work through real world problems.
Text(s): Envision Mathematics/Savvas Learning Company 2021
Student’s Text: Envision Mathematics Workbook/Savvas Learning Company 2021
Methods of Instruction: Direct instruction, group work, research, experiments, lecture, cooperative learning, guided practice, pair work, question generation, error corrections, instructional videos, instructional games, and manipulative demonstration.
Course Objectives: To instill within students a comprehensive understanding of algebraic relationships, graphing, geometry, probability, and computation so they’ll be equipped to solve real world problems, and have the foundation needed to successfully perform high school mathematics.Course Objectives: Students will be able to:
• Solve linear equations.
• Explore the concept of functions.
• Apply the properties of integer exponents to generate equivalent expressions.
• Graph proportional relationships, linear equations, and system of linear equations
• Create equations in two or more variables to represent relationships between quantities.
• Calculate and interpret the average rate of change of a function.
• Graph linear functions
• Interpret the slope (rate of change) and the intercept (constant term) of a linear model in the context of the data.
• Represent data on two quantitative variables on a scatter plot and describe how the variables are related.
• Use the properties of exponents to transform expressions for exponential functions.
• Represent data with plots on the real number line.The objectives are defined by the Missouri State Standards centered on the Common Core State Standards.
Assignments: Assignments will take come in a variety of forms including DO-NOWs, in-class assignments (which must be completed during class time), homework, and weekly assessments in the form of quizzes or tests.
Late Assignments Policy
Homework that is assigned during the week must be turned in on the assigned day. If the homework is not turned in on the assigned day, the student has until the Friday of the assigned week to turn in the assignment. If the assignment is assigned over the weekend, students will have until the following Monday to turn in the assignment. If a homework assignment is not turned in by the Friday of the assigned week, it will not be accepted and will receive a grade of zero. Classwork is due at the end of the class period it is assigned. No exceptions.
Exams/Tests/ Quizzes: Students will be assessed frequently on the material covered in class. Students will use class notes taken daily as a study guide. All questions on tests and quizzes will resemble examples from class notes. Students will be informed on what section of their notes they should study for tests. Students should expect quizzes weekly and tests every 2-3 weeks. Students will not always receive notice before quizzes but will receive one-week's notice before tests. Students will not be allowed to use notes on tests and quizzes.
Grading Criteria: Grades will be weighted in the following way:Classwork (Do Now, Exit Slip) 40%
Participation (Group work, class discussion) 20%
Homework (Independent practice) 20%
Tests (Mid/End of Unit, benchmarks, quizzes) 10%
Projects (Performance tasks) 10%Grading Scale:
100%--90% A
89%--80% B
79%—70% C
69%--60% D
59% and below FCourse Requirements:
* Students are expected to attend class daily and participate.
* Students are expected to come to class prepared each day.
* Student supplies for class are a 2” 3-ring binder, a 3-hole folder for returned work, 2-3 sharpened pencils, loose-leaf paper, a composition notebook for vocabulary words, a spiral notebook for math notes only, and the school planner for listing homework. The Envision Mathematics workbook may be used in class or at home for reference and homework.
Attendance Policy: All students are expected to attend school daily and to be on time to school and classes as outlined in the Compton-Drew Student and Parent Handbook. If an emergency occurs, please call the school to let us know that the student will not be present. It is the students’ responsibility to get the work they’ve missed.
Homework Policy: Students should expect to complete homework daily. Homework will be collected and checked the next day.
Make-Up Work Policy:
Students who have excused or verified absences will be allowed to make up any work assigned during their absence. For each day of excused absence, a student will be given one (1) full school day to make up the work he/she has missed. After the due date, work will be considered late (refer to the late policy). If classes are missed due to a schedule change, field trips, suspension, etc., the student is expected to get his/her assignments and complete them for the next class period.Classroom Routines & Procedures
Entering the Classroom
1. Enter the classroom quietly and in uniform.
2. Retrieve materials needed for class.
3. Take your assigned seat.
4. Complete the Do Now from the board on paper handed to you by teacher.
5. Work quietly and independently to complete all assignments.
Leaving your seat
If you need to leave your seat (tissue, pencil exchange, etc.) you must raise your hand for permission. The teacher will give you permission to leave your seat.Tardiness
You are late to class if you are not in line with the class when the class walks into the room. Students who arrive late will be marked tardy and may lose points on his/her do now. Excessive tardiness will result in a referral to the office.Absences
It is your responsibility to make up any assignments or tests in a timely manner when you return from an absence. Follow this procedure:
1. Check the “While You Were Out” folders for the assignments you missed during the week. You may also check TEAMS or the website.
2. During lunch, you may ask Mrs. Scott questions regarding the work you missed or schedule a time for assistance with the work.
3. If you need to make-up or redo a test, you must make arrangements to take it during lunchtime no more than three school days after the test was given.Homework
Students are responsible for writing down the homework from the board.Turning in Assignments
The teacher will collect certain group-work, or individual work. You will turn these in only when the teacher asks for them. Do not place items on the Mrs. Scotts’ desk. Exit slips and homework need to be turned into the proper bins for grading. Make sure the assignment has the school heading at the top margin of the paper (example below). For further details, please refer to the School-Wide Writing Guidelines given to students on the first day of school.EXAMPLE:
Name Date
Teacher Period
Class Dismissal
Neither the bell nor the time dismisses the class. Once the instruction for the class stops, Teacher will ask for you or your group to begin cleaning your area. Once the classroom is in order and everyone is sitting quietly in their assigned seat, the teacher will dismiss the class.When You Finish Early
If you finish all your assigned work early, you may a) read independently or b) work on an assignment for another class. DO NOT TALK OR DISTURB OTHERS.Restroom Policy
Restrooms breaks are at the teacher’s discretion. We are never allowed to use restrooms during transition (passing from one class to the next)Cell Phones/ Electronic Devices:
Cell phones are not permitted in the classrooms per district policy. Cell phones will be collected when entering the building and placed in the 6th period teacher’s bin in a secure location. If a cell phone is seen or heard, the cell phone will be given to administration and will only be returned to the student on the Friday after it is confiscated after 1:30pm (per the student handbook, page 13).
Class Norms
1. Be on time.
2. Be prepared to learn something new today.
3. One person speaks at a time.
4. Be respectful of other’s opinion and statements.
5. Everyone participates.Classroom Rules
Classroom Rules are posted in the classroom and are expected to be followed daily.
1. Respect yourself, your peers, and your teacher.
2. Be always in uniform.
3. Follow directions given the first time.
4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
5. Use appropriate language, no put downs, teasing, or bullying.
6. Be prepared to participate.Consequences
1st time: Warning
*2nd time: Student conference/Reflection/Phone call home
3rd time: Team conference with student
4th time: Conference with administration
5th time: Referral to office
*may result in lunch or in-school detentionWritten Assignments and Academic Misconduct: All written work submitted must be the student’s original work and conform to the guidelines provided by the teacher. This means that any substantive ideas, phrases, sentences, and/or any published ideas must be properly referenced to avoid even the appearance of plagiarism. It is the student’s responsibility to know all relevant school policies concerning plagiarism. Any documented cases of plagiarism can and will result in a failing grade.
(subject to change)