The Artist

    • Is dedicated to the creation of art.

    • Makes art public through performances, exhibitions, or publications.

    • Respects the creative efforts of others by giving exhibits, performances, and

    publications undivided attention.

    • Demonstrates a desire to improve as an artist.

    • Visits museums, attends concerts, plays, and exhibits.

    • Appreciates and respects differences in culture and style.

    The Citizen

    • Realizes his/her place as an individual within a community of


    • Shows evidence of self-discipline by achieving excellence in academics.

    • Follows the rules established by the school and by the school district.

    • Respects the academic efforts of others as evident in his/her participation in

    school activities.

    • Reads often.

    • Keeps his/her own locker neat and orderly for books and

    personal belongings.

    • Respects the authority of school officials.

    • Respects the property of others.

    • Makes an effort to keep our school clean and safe.

    The Scholar

    • Shows evidence of self-discipline by learning course content.

    • Completes homework daily. Takes textbooks home every night.

    • Attends class regularly and on time.

    • Reads often.

    • Takes pride in his/her academic accomplishments.

    • Participates in classroom activities in positive ways.