• Accreditation 

    Central Visual and Performing Arts High School is fully accredited through the Missouri Department of Education. Information about our school's accreditation can be found by going to www.dese.mo.gov 
    Central Visual and Performing Arts High School is fully accredited through Advanced Ed and has been since 1904.  Information about our school's accreditation can be found by going to www.advanc-ed.org.
    To access the accreditation information on this site, click on "Find Accredited Schools" on the top of the web page.
    Type in the following information:
    Institution Name: Central Visual & Performing Arts
    Institution Type: School
    Country: United States of America
    State: Missouri
    School Type: High School
    Public/Non Public: Public
    Institution Summary
    Central High School in St. Louis, MO has been continuously accredited by the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI)  for 107 years.  It was the first school in Missouri to be accredited by NCA CASI in 1904.  Today, NCA CASI, an accrediting division for AdvancED, assists schools and districts through the accreditation process and helps those institutions demonstrate a continuous commitment to providing quality education programs that are aimed at improving student performance.  To earn accreditation, schools must meet AdvancED's high standards, be evaluated by a team of professionals from outside the school, and implement a continuous process of school improvement.  Students, parents and the community can take legitimate pride in this fine tradition of accreditation at Central High School.

    Accreditation demonstrates to parents and the community that the school is dedicated to providing students with the quality education and that they are open to external scrutiny.  It assures them that the school is focused on improving learning for all students.  Parents and the interested community can learn more about accreditation at http://www.advanc-ed.org/.