• Career & Technical Education

    Career & Technical Education prepares students for the real world of work by teaching practical arts. The goal is to provide experiential activities, technical training, and resources that promote high academic achievement while preparing students for a successful career. Central Visual & Performing Arts High School offers Business Education and Graphic Design as its Career & Technical Education courses.


    Students in Career & Technical Education have the opportunity to apply the knowledge they gain from core curriculum courses in practical ways. This trains students for work while also strengthening their knowledge and comprehension of mathematics, reading, writing, and science. Business Education is divided into three courses:   an introductory course in Computer Applications, after which students may take Entrepreneurship and E-Commerce or Accounting I.


    Each subject’s advanced students are expected to complete an industry-based internship in the second semester of their senior year. This provides further application of classroom instruction, an accurate experience of the workplace environment, and a wider view of the requirements of particular jobs.  Career & Technical Education exists because society needs workers who are technologically literate, able to function independently but work as a team, competent writers and thinkers, and effective problem solvers.


    Through well-defined competencies, experienced educators, and the guidance from an advisory committee, students gain skills in leadership, analyzing, organizing, writing, ethical applications, human relations, and interpersonal communications:  all needed to progress to entry-level employment and/or post-secondary training.

    More information about Career & Technical Education can be found here.