• Mindfulness Activities

    Tuesday Thoughtfulness

    Daily Quote: “There are three ways to ultimate success. The first way is to be KIND the second way is to be KIND and the third way is to be KIND”- Mr. Rodgers

    Mindfulness Activity: Belly Breathing with a Stuffed Animal

    1. Lie down on your back
    2. Place a stuffed animal on your belly
    3. Take a deep breathe in and then slowly breathe out
    4. Watch your animal go up and down 😊

    Take a Study Break:


    1. I spy something soft
    2. I spy something red
    3. I spy something you can cook with
    4. I spy something that can hold things
    5. I spy something you wear
    6. I spy something living
    7. I spy something purple
    8. I spy something you clean with
    9. I spy something that smells
    10. I spy something hard

    Take a Moment to Think:

    What is my peak for today, what is my valley for today? (what is a positive for today what was challenge for today)

    Share with a friend, family member, teacher, pet or someone else if you wish. You can call, text, or email them if can’t see them


    Have a Little Laugh:



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Last Modified on April 7, 2020