


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Nurse Tabb, RN

Greetings and Welcome back to Mann—Staff, Students and Parents:

As we begin our journey on a new and unprecedented school year, that none of us envisioned, I believe we will prevail over all obstacles to come our way. As a Registered Nurse with Saint Louis Public Schools for almost 14 years and a medical profession for over 25 years, I can truly say I have the job as your school and public health nurse to service you and your children in our communities. Not only am I an employee of SLPS but my three sons are outstanding products of what SLPS can educate and produce in our communities. They each attended from Pre-K to 12th grade, and from there attended major colleges and universities and graduated at the top of their classes.  They are fully productive young men in our society who are working and giving back to the communities in which they live. Therefore, as your school nurse, I am proud to say I am a Saint Louis Public Schools ambassador who takes pride in helping your children grow and strive in becoming happier and healthier in their lives. Let me not forget; I also have a beautiful daughter in virtual school.

Proud to Serve,

Nurse Tabb, RN

314-240-4649 no voicemail/call or text only

8am to 3pm during open and school hours only