Phone: P: 314-772-4545 F: 314-244-1827


Degrees and Certifications:

Julie Harwell, M.Ed.

Hello! My name is Julie Harwell and I am the counselor at Mann Elementary. This is my second year here and my nineteenth year in St Louis Public Schools. I have an undergraduate degree in Psychology from Webster University and a Master’s degree in both School and Clinical Counseling from the University of Missouri St Louis. I am very passionate about developing positive, trusting relationships with children and families, Trauma Informed Care, and utilizing Restorative Practices. I truly believe that with the right support, all children can excel and succeed.

Here at Mann my role is to

Provide check-ins and support for all students.

Provide short term individual and group therapy, as well as crisis counseling.

Provide mental health supports.

Teach social emotional skills and career awareness.

Collaborate with teachers, staff, and families to ensure wrap around support for students and their families.

Advocate for students and their families.

Connect students and families with community resources.

Collaborate with community partners.

Initiate the Special Education referral process.


Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
