    Mrs. Constance Berry
    Building Phone: (314)772-4545 
    Room 309
    Subject: ESOL Teacher Kg. - 5th
     My name is Constance Berry. I have worked for St. Louis Public Schools for my entire 33 year career. I have taught ESOL students at Lafayette Elementary and Mann Elementary for the past 20 years. Previously, I taught in the mainstream classroom. I believe that building trusting relationships with students and families is essential to helping students become the best version of themselves possible. 
    This summer I will celebrate my 32nd wedding anniversary with my husband Steve. We have know each other since fourth grade. We have two amazing daughters; Kimberly is a pediatric nurse at Mercy Hospital. Kayla is Mann's 4th and 5th grade Math teacher. 
    I am a certified elementary education teacher for grades 1st through 6th and Social Studies for fourth through eighth grades. I completed my Master's degree at Webster University in 1997. I also completed my ESOL Kindergarten through twelfth grade English Speakers of Other Languages certification at Webster University. I enjoy working with all students at Mann Elementary! I have the pleasure of working with mainstream students during co-teaching in fourth grade classrooms for Math, Science, and Social Studies. I would not want to be anywhere else! My classroom is located in room 309. Feel free to stop by anytime!
    My expectaions for all students are that they attend school regularly and are on time daily, they come to school well rested and focused on learning, and exhibit behavior that is appropriate and conducive to the learning environment. We make it happen at Mann! No Exceptions, No Excuses! 
    Here is the link to 1st grade ESOL Team - https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3aietZo0Di6AnJzqrT45MDdnYoC0LupZZYTnL6XuG6wXs1%40thread.tacv2/General?groupId=4b9fabb4-32c3-4e3b-9898-6ad36dc9704d&tenantId=08e33d6b-a654-486a-80e3-20b190ae22d7
    Here is the link to 2nd grade ESOL Team - https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3aH7TBA8AftvCzMEx5oH8KPkO0_Kdps6um5JDhLtP1TxY1%40thread.tacv2/General?groupId=e9c4c49c-e2f1-4be4-a883-998e082fc263&tenantId=08e33d6b-a654-486a-80e3-20b190ae22d7
    Here is the link to 4th grade ESOL Team - https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3a2Gvi7vIh5a4lj1y_43dMmZVBDuZdGJ3vlHQTFreqeVI1%40thread.tacv2/General?groupId=7fff9e41-0884-409f-a52c-27c32c1d669c&tenantId=08e33d6b-a654-486a-80e3-20b190ae22d7
    koala                                           pandas
Last Modified on January 7, 2022