• Blue Pineapple

    Convention and Meeting Planning - Convention Service Manager, Event Planner, Wedding Planner...
    Food and Beverage - Culinary Arts, Food and Beverage Manager, Chef/Owner, Restaurant Manager...
    Lodging, Hotel and Resort Management - Front Desk Agent, Human Resource Director, Hotel Manager...
    Recreation and Entertainment - Park & Garden Director, Sports Manager, Club Manager...
    Travel and Tourism - Travel Agent, Tour & Travel Guides, Travel Site Interpreter...
     Hospitality Management is designed specifically in terms of performance-based objectives to prepare students for entry and mid-level management positions upon graduation from high school. Students enrolled in this vocational program will have the opportunity to integrate the knowledge gained in many of their core academic subjects. Students will gain hands on experience in the classroom through career exploration and job shadowing experiences. To further enhance the educational process when the students become seniors they will participate in a site-based internship program. In this work environment the students will be able to apply the skills gained in the classroom while developing additional skills in a professional work environment. This Career & Technical program works hand in hand with a Student Leadership Organization  by the name of -

     Hospitality encompasses the vast industry in the travel/tourism, lodging, recreation, food/beverage and convention/meeting planning business. This program addresses the management skills and knowledge needed in one of the world’s fastest growing industries. Students in this program explore classes which focus on management skills, leadership, customer service, guest relations and interpersonal skills.  If you are a very personable student who enjoys travel and exploring diverse cultures and an ever-changing career, the Hospitality & Tourism Pathway is the place where you will gain everlasting knowledge. 

    Understanding How Hospitality Business Works Food & Beverage
    Junior Year;
    The World of Hospitality
    The Food & Beverage Industry
    Food Preparation and Service
    Front-and Back-of-the-House
    Hotel Food and Beverage Service
    Purchasing and Receiving
    Food Safety and Sanitation 
    The World of Lodging
    Front Office
    Activities; Guest Speakers, Field Trips, Food Shows, Leadership Conventions, Food Labs, Job Shadowing... 
    Senior Year;
    Business Basics
    Hospitality Management
    Human Resources
    Marketing and Sales
    Workplace Safety and Emergencies
    Legal and Ethical Considerations
    Your Career in Hospitality
    Skills for Success
    Starting a Business
    Senior Internship 
    Activities: District, State & National Contest, Hotel & Restaurant Tours, Mock Interviews, Internships...