•  Frequently Asked Questions 

    What are the admissions criteria?  Am I eligible to attend?
    Acceptance to CVPA is based on a competitive audition and review of student records to ensure success in both the demanding studio work and the challenging academic programs.  Students who are St. Louis City residents in the 8th or 9th grade are eligible to audition.
    Does a student have to live in St. Louis City to attend CVPA?

    No, students who live in cooperating school districts may also apply.  The list of cooperating school districts is in the application brochure.

    My family just recently moved to St. Louis City.  Am I eligible to attend? 

    You may audition for the upcoming school year if you meet our eligibility requirements.  In September, as 8th or 9th graders, students should inform their guidance counselor of their decision to audition so that an application can be completed. Once the application is received, the student will receive information regarding the required documentation to be submitted.  Once the information is submitted and it is deemed that the student meets the eligibility criteria, an audition is scheduled. Audition dates are determined by the location of the school the student is currently attending.  

    How can I take a tour of CVPA?

    All of our performances are open to the public, and people get a feel of the school by visiting our performance spaces.  An Open House is held for accepted students each May.  Tours for individuals may be arranged through our Dean of Arts.  Please contact willie.kilpatrick@slps.org.

    How do I arrange an audition?

    In September, as 8th or 9th graders, students should inform their guidance counselor of their decision to audition so that an application can be completed. Once the application is received, the student will receive information regarding the required documentation to be submitted.  Once the information is submitted and it is deemed that the student meets the eligibility criteria, an audition is scheduled.  Audition dates are determined by the location of the school the student is currently attending.  

    How much does it cost to attend?

    CVPA is a St. Louis City public school, and there is no cost to attend; however, students are responsible for certain studio-specific expenses/purchases. For example, dance students must provide their own dance shoes and rehearsal clothes; Instrumental students must provide their own instruments; art students must provide their art supplies. Limited financial assistance may be provided in certain circumstances.


    Do you accept students living out of state or in a foreign country?

    Due to our residency requirements that a student must be a resident of the City of St. Louis, we do not audition or accept students living out of state or in a foreign country.
    Can you send me information about your school?
    All information about CVPA can be found on our website. We do not mail information. 
    How do I order transcripts?  
    Transcripts can be requested by calling the school at 314.771.2772 and speaking with Angela Thomas. You may also request the transcripts in writing to the school.  The request must include student name, year of graduation, signature of student and payment of $3.00 for each copy ordered.


    How do I get tickets to events at CVPA?

    Tickets are generally available immediately prior to a performance at the Main Office and are for General Admission. 

    Are your facilities available to outside organizations or to rent?

    Due to our performance calendar and production schedule, our facilities are sometimes unavailable to outside organizations, but requests are always considered. Visit Theatre Rental Information to learn more.

    I am interested in teaching at CVPA.  To whom do I send my resume?  

    Send all resumes and letters of intent to: Dr. Amy Phillips at the school address.

    Must dance, music, theater, and visual arts teachers be highly qualified?

    The visual and performing arts are considered a “core” subject under the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB-2001).   This requires that all teachers are highly qualified in the core academic content area(s) they teach.  State licensure in the area taught is the first requirement for highly qualified status.  NCLB places major emphasis upon quality of teachers as a factor in improving achievement for all students. This emphasis grows out of research showing that teachers’ mastery of the academic content they teach is critical to engaging students.


    What is the student required to bring to the audition?

    All applicants are to bring the following to each audition: a copy of the most recent report card and/or transcript, attendance history and discipline record.

    Are students admitted solely on the basis of their audition?

    No, the audition is only one criterion. Student academic records are also reviewed. Please note: Every applicant must submit a copy of the most recent report card and/or transcript at each audition.

    How will I know if I have been accepted to CVPA?

    Students will be officially contacted through the Office of Recruitment and Counseling. Please also feel free to call CVPA to inquire about individual results.

    May parents accompany their children to the audition?

    Yes, parents may accompany their children to the audition, but it is not required. 

    How long will the audition last?
    Each audition takes approximately 30 minutes, but could vary.
    May students audition for more than one major?
    Yes, students may audition for more than one major.

    If a student is not accepted while they are in the 8th grade, can the audition be taken again when they are in the 9th grade?

    Yes, we do admit students for the 10th grade, but fewer openings are available. It is not possible to apply for admission for the 11th or 12th grades.


    What happens if a student is accepted into more than one studio major?

    Students must choose one; there are no dual majors.


    Are students allowed to change studio majors?

    No, the program of study is a four-year program and, as such, cannot be started over when a student changes their mind.


    Whom may I contact if there’s a question about the audition process?

    Call the Artistic Director, Dr. Willie Kilpatrick, at 314.771.2772 or e-mail to: willie.kilpatrick@slps.org

    Is the school accredited?

    Yes, Central Visual and Performing Arts High School has been accredited through North Central since 1904.

    Do you offer advanced placement, honors and dual credit courses?

    Yes, we offer all of the regular offerings of a traditional high school for those students who qualify.

    Do you offer extra-curricular activities such as sports?

    We do offer a variety of extracurricular activities, but not sports.  Students wishing to participate in sports are eligible to participate with their assigned neighborhood school.  At CVPA, we believe that the artists need their extracurricular time to work exclusively on their art.  As such, we offer a variety of after-school arts instruction, academic tutoring and clubs.