• Leslie Bonner





    Jefferson Family,


    With great Eagle pride, I welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year at Jefferson Elementary School!  I trust this letter finds you well refreshed and recharged to begin new learning experiences this school year.  I also want to share how immensely grateful and proud I am of our school community for the many ways we work together to facilitate a comprehensive, effective, and highly engaging learning environment for all of our scholars. 


    This year promises to be one full of engaging, hands on, meaningful and rigorous work in our classrooms. Reading and writing across content is our primary focus, allowing a renewed emphasis on Rigor, Relationships and Engagement.  These core elements are the fabric that guides our cooperative work as we prepare our scholars to meet high expectations through innovative approaches to instruction, diverse opportunities to showcase skill mastery and accountability toward academic achievement. Lessons will focus on reading and writing across content on a daily basis to accelerate the achievement of every scholar.  Additionally, scholars will return to a building with new furniture and new opportunities to engage in field trips, dance, coding, robotics and project-based learning in our  STEAM Lab. 

    We place a high value on home and school partnerships at Jefferson.  We all want the best for the scholars that walk through our doors each morning, and need your input to ensure they have a successful school year.  Whether you volunteer, take part in the PTO meetings, attend school events, or just check in with your child’s teacher periodically, it all makes a huge difference in their academic progress.   There is no exception to what we know our scholars can do when all members of the Jefferson family work together in the best interest of academic and social achievement for our scholars.   

    We will communicate often via Class Dojo, email and School Reach calls to ensure that our families are well informed.    We encourage your participation in school events and welcome your input in making school decisions.  Working in partnership with our families, I anticipate a school community where our scholars thrive due to the care, concern and commitment to each of their well-being. 


    Welcome back to Jefferson Elementary School, where Scholars Soar toward EXCELENCE!


    Best Regards,

    Dr. Leslie A. Bonner, Proud Principal

    Jefferson Elementary School