

Degrees and Certifications:

Miss Koester

My name is Brooke Koester. I am the 5th and 6th grade ELA teacher at Lyon Academy. This will be my 7th year teaching, and my 4th at Lyon. I am so excited about this school year and all that we are going to learn in 5th and 6th grade.

I graduated with a Bachelor's in Education from Southwest Baptist University. I grew up 45 miles south of St. Louis. I love the Cardinals, Blues, and the Chiefs. My favorite book to read with my 5th and 6th graders is Holes by Louis Sachar. I am currently getting my Master's in Curriculum and Instruction.

 You can contact me via email at



     Daily Schedule

    8:20-8:40- Breakfast and morning meeting

    8:40-10:10- Period 1

    10:10-11:40- Period 2

    11:40-1:05- Period 3

    1:05-1:35- Lunch and Recess

    1:35-2:15- WIN

    2:15-3:05- Related Arts/Plan Period


    Office Hours: Monday- Friday 2:15-3:05



  • Classroom Expectations

    1. Respect yourself and others

    2. Be on time and prepared

    3. Stay engaged in the work

    4. Closely follow classroom procedures

    5. Put forth your best effort and be open to learning