Mrs. Dawn Bertrand - 4th Grade

  • Ms. Bertrand  

    I have wanted to be a teacher since I began my first year in school.  My kindergarten teacher was such an inspiration that I just knew that’s what I wanted to be when I grew up.  My parents were both in education as well.  Once out of high school, I began my college career at a community college and ended at UMSL where I became a certified elementary teacher.  During my college career, I married my husband Josh and we have two girls, Cora and Aubrey.  I began teaching in SLPS in Jan. of 2011 as a building sub at Buder and worked my way into my own 2nd grade classroom the follow school year.  I was a classroom teacher at Buder Elementary for 5 years.  I then moved to Lyon, my present home.  This is my 7th year here at Lyon.  I have taught many different grades and subjects here.  This year I look forward to being the 4th grade teacher.  I couldn't be more excited!