Phone: 708-568-1648


Degrees and Certifications:

Miss Tiffany


 Hi, I am Ms. Tiffany! I teach pre-k in the ligers room. This is my seventh year teaching and my fifth year teaching pre-k. Pre-k is where my heart is. As your child's teacher, I will support and enrich their learning to ensure they are ready for kindergarten and beyond.

       I grew up in Maplewood and attended Maplewood Richmond Heights school district. The teachers there inspired me to be a teacher. I attended Lindenwood University, where I obtained a bachelor's degree in elementary education. I am certified in both elementary and early childhood.

       Outside of teaching, I enjoy spending time with friends and family. One of my favorite activities to do over the summer is travel. I have been to 44 states and 2 countries. When Covid is over, I plan on feeding my hunger for traveling!


If you need to contact me please use Classdojo or my google voice number 708-568-1648

 Office hours are by appoint. Please text or message me through classdojo and I will be able to assist. 


Here is our classrooms Teams page link. Ms. Tiffany's Pre-k Class