

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Gicante

     I am a third year teacher, and this 24-25 school year will be my third year at Buder Elementary school. This will be my first year as a third grade teacher. I am so excited to be a part of your students' third grade year! I graduated with my bachelors' from Lindenwood University and will be going back for my masters this year. 

     I have been married for four years, and we have three dogs and a Bearded Dragon. We love to take our dogs; Rodney, Dax and Oliver on new adventures around Saint Louis. I also enjoy sitting in my backyard and reading while my dogs run around. Our Citrus Bearded Dragon is Ed. He is a 14-year-old lizard and a class pet. He loves all the attention and pets from all the students. Students will help take care of him this school year, Monday through Friday, and he comes home with me on the weekends. He loves to go outside, and roam around in the grass. He is fed every day and eats Bok Choy, mustard greens, clovers, blueberries and super worms. Students will help me feed Ed and clean his tank. 


My philosophy of Education 

     I want every student to feel safe and have so much fun during school this year. I believe that teachers ar facilitators of education and the child is responsible for their own learning. I want to foster an engaging and inclusive classroom, so students will have fun learning and want to come to school each day. 


Third Grade

Room: 213