• Moushey
    Matt Moushey has been the counselor at Buder Elementary for the past decade. 
    He greatly enjoys his daily character education lessons with the students but he especially enjoys seeing those positive lessons being displayed on the recess yard.
    Working with parents is also a big part of his day as Mr. Moushey is happy to address any concern a parent might have.
    Buder's beloved counselor spent his grade school years at nearby St. Gabriel's. He was then accepted into Saint Louis University High School in 1987. After lettering in football, wrestling, and baseball Mr. Moushey pursued an education degree at the University of Missouri-Columbia.
    He graduated with a 3.3 GPA and a teaching degree in social studies.
    After spending a year teaching 8th grade history and coaching two sports in Centralia, MO  - Matt felt it was time for a change. He moved back to St. Louis in 1999 and began substitute teaching during the day while undertaking a rigorous 48 hour Counseling Program at Lindenwood University during the evening.
    Due to his impressive resume and background, Matt Moushey was hired by SLPS as a school counselor in the Fall of 2000 on a provincial certificate while he was still a graduate student at Lindenwood. The first three years of his career were spent at Lowell Elementary. Located near the intersection of Grand Avenue and Highway 70, Lowell Elementary was a challenging situation for a first year counselor. 99% of the student population lived below the poverty line. 
    Mr. Moushey loved his time there and was saddened by the school's closing in 2003. But emboldened by completing Lindenwood's Master Program with a sparkling 4.0 GPA - Matt knew the only way to go was forward.
    2004 proved to be a year of professional transition. Mr. Moushey served as counselor at the well respected Gateway High School. As much as he loved working with such talented young adults - Matt knew his heart and passion belonged in an elementary setting. During the district transfer season in 2004 Mr. Moushey selected Mullanphy Elementary as his first choice. He did not get his first choice, however, Matt was the recipient of the best second choice in the history of second choices. They call her Buder Elementary and she is a true jewel in the city of Saint Louis. A more rewarding and enriching decade tenure at any other school could not possibly be imagined.
    Mr. Moushey hopes to spend many more years at Buder Elementary. He lives in nearby Holly Hills with his wife Kelly, two little boys named Jake and Luke, two large dogs named Bella and Bruin, and two precocious cats named Herman and Novel.
    Kelly Moushey also happens to be a highly regarded Communication Arts teacher at Carr Lane Middle School and a fantastic mommy.