

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Crystal Cotton


My name is Crystal Cotton and I go by Ms. Crystal not Ms. Cotton, she is in the office. LOL

I am so excited to be your new kindergarten teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. This will be my seventh year here at Buder and my third as a kindergarten teacher. I have so many fun things planned, and I am thrilled that your child will be in my classroom this year. 

I love to encourage students to believe in themselves. I believe that the right learning environment is essential because it will help develop independence and creativity. There is so much that I'm looking forward to this year! I love kindergarten and all the exploring, learning and fun we get to have!

 I love to hear from parents throughout the year! I am looking forward to a fantastic school year!!!

A few of my favorite things

Favorite color - purple

Favorite drink - Dr. Pepper, Ginger ale

Favorite food - pasta, chicken

Favorite hobby - relaxing, shopping

Favorite season - spring, fall


Can't wait to meet you!


Ms. Crystal