• Parent Conference Oct 20, 20211st Block Personal Finance           2nd Block Personal Finance

    3rd Block World History             5th Block World History

    6th Block Personal Finance             8th Block Personal Finance


    Parent Conference Zoom Link

    Patrick H. Donahue, Jr.


    Welcome Video

     Mr. Donahue

    Official Office Hours: 1-2pm (M,W,F) and 10:30-11:30am (T,R)

    Greetings! to all students and parents.  Welcome to the Wonderful World of World History and the Monetary and Fiscal Perfection of Personal Finance. 

    An interesting thing about this semester is that YOU, and thousands of students like you, are will continue to make history via research and course work using computers and online systems!!!  And thousand more future students are counting on YOU to make this year a success and even help improve the experience…

     …which you will have a chance to do!  Because you will be engaged in independent research that you will share with your classmates as you teach each other what you have learned!  You will gain great quantities of knowledge and insight from your brilliant instructor, but you must be prepared to share your own brilliance, too.

     Therefore, it is imperative (important!) that you treat your time with the content of your World History and/or Personal Finance courses very seriously and give everything your utmost attention and your best effort.  A passing grade in these courses is required to graduate high school in Missouri.

     Your magnanimous instructor for this magnificent journey through World History and/or Personal Finance is the second-most senior teacher on the faculty, having served the terrific students of Miller Career Academy since 1998.  I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Indiana University and my teacher certificate at UM-St Louis.  Through these programs, I have made in-depth studies of the history of many places around the United States and the world.  It is my pleasure and my honor to share these with you as we open your eyes to the people, places, and events around the U.S. and the world.

     I am from Indiana.  My wife of 35 years is from St Louis and we met at Indiana University.  We have two children who have graduated college and one who is a high school senior.

     There are links to your section's Teams page above. If you go to Microsoft Teams, you will find one for your Section of the course (1st Hour, 2nd Hour, etc.).

    My official Office Hours are 4th Hour on “A” Days and 7th Hour on “B” Days, but please contact me at any time through Teams or e-mail me at patrick.donahue@slps.org .  I will often respond the same day (depending on what time the note is received) and definitely within 24(+/-) hours, depending on volume of contacts received and virtual video meetings I have to attend.


    Room: 165

    Email: patrick.donahue@slps.org

    Phone extension: 61165