• Miller Career Academy – Weekly Virtual Learning Planner




            Donahue,  Gladen






          World History

    Week of


          August 31 – September 11


             Why is History important?




    Lesson Target/Objective

    Synchronous/Live Instruction

    Asynchronous Playlist

    Assessment/Performance Task

    Due Date

    Lesson 1 (Date)

    Students will be able to explain the reasons(s) certain events, people, and places in history are important.


    Guided Practice:

    ·       Students will compose three “Top Ten” lists, outlining ten events, ten people, and ten places they view as important in history.

    ·       Students will share their lists with the class and


    Independent Practice:

    ·       Discuss perspective and effects on people as determinants of importance


    Independent Practice:

    Students will select one item from each list and write 2-3 paragraphs telling why the item is important.



    Lesson 2 (Date)

    Students will be able to explain the importance of perspective in history.


    Guided Practice:

    Create a timeline of your life

    ·       List 20 events pertinent (important) to your life.

    ·       List 5 events important to the country and/or the world.

    ·       How have you experienced history?


    Independent Practice:

    ·       What have you done in your life?

    ·       What has happened in your life?

    ·       What’s important? Why?


    Independent Practice:

    Write your autobiography! (1page)



    Lesson 3 (Date)

    Students can determine the causes/factors of human settlement and civilization.


    Guided Practice:

    ·       Students will compare achievements of Paleolithic man with those of Neolithic civilizations


    Independent Practice:

    ·       Discuss perspective and effects on people as determinants of importance


    Independent Practice:

    ·       Students will complete graphic organizers to show details of Neolithic civilizations



    Lesson 4 (Date)

    Students can assess the impacts of settling on the elements of civilization.


    Guided Practice:

    ·       Discovery of metal working


    Independent Practice:

    ·       History of metalworking video



    Independent Practice:

    ·       Scavenger hunt!  Prehistory and Early History


    A.D. = Anno Domini = Latin for the “year of our Lord”



    Lesson 5 (Date)

    Using primary and secondary sources, students can determine the major cultural and technological contributions of Mesopotamia, Egypt and China.

    Guided Practice:

    ·       Discover achievements of Sumerian civilizations


    Independent Practice:

    ·       Examine a section of modern legal ordinances.

    ·       Examine samples from the Code of Hammurabi

    Independent Practice:

    ·       Compare Code of Hammurabi with modern law

    ·       Write your name in cuneiform