



    Reading in Second Grade

    All children learn to read at their own pace. 

    Students will:

    • decode words using short vowel sounds  
    •  read text by decoding word parts
    • blend sounds of words to read text
    • separate two part words orally and in text
    • identify root words and their inflectional forms in text  
    • interpret vocabulary when reading independently
    • read high-frequency words in text
    •   comprehend text by applying reading strategies 
    •   utilize comprehension strategies 
    •   read fluently to comprehend text 
    •   identify major literary elements in text 
    •   identify similarities and differences in text written by the same author
    •  identify the differences between genres including fiction, nonfiction, and poetry 



    Guided Reading

       Guided reading is when a in small flexible homogenous grouping to work on a reading passage or skills.  Students meet in small groups (if possible, 6 or less) and tackle common text or skill. We will do guided reading daily in first grade to build on each child's reading needs.

Last Modified on January 10, 2022