• Dear Kindergarten Families,

    My name is Marla Finley, and I am honored to be your child’s teacher this year! The next few weeks will be ones of adjustment for your kindergartner.  It will be a “getting to know you” period for all of us.  The children will be busy getting to know the school, their teachers, and their new friends. They will be learning to work with a group, learning to be independent, and gaining self-confidence in making decisions on their own.  

    You can help your child establish a good routine, and set them up for success by seeing that they get to school on time. The beginning of our day starts with team building activities and emotional learning, which are extremely important. The child who is habitually late tends to have a left-out feeling, which may affect their entire day. 

    My major goal is to help every child develop a positive self-concept, a feeling of self-worth, and a sense that he or she is a valuable part of our school community. I want your kindergartners to develop self-confidence and self-discipline. My goal is to focus on their many successes in day-to-day experiences so that they can cope and work through occasional challenges.

     We know that kindergarten children learn best by using their senses, by doing, and through the use of concrete materials.  Using this knowledge, the kindergarten program allows for the many individual differences and growth patterns of each child, knowing that each child will gain something different from these experiences. Throughout the year, the kindergarten teachers will work together as a team to best meet the needs of your child.

     All of the teachers and staff at Buder Elementary want every child to get the best possible education. I cannot stress too strongly the need for good communication between home and school for the welfare of your child. Please do not hesitate to contact me via Class Dojo with any questions, comments, concerns, or just a heads up about something you’d like to share. After all, you are your child’s first teacher. Nobody knows him or her as well as you! I look forward to a successful school year, and I want to thank you for the privilege of teaching your child.

    Your Child’s Partner in Education,

    Marla Finley

     I Believe.....

    * Parents are the first and most important teachers. 
     * Young children learn best through play.
    *in building a classroom community.
    *in empowering children and developing self-help skills.
    *working with families to ensure school success. 
    *encouraging risk-taking and working towards a goal.
    *in the excitement and curiosity of learning.  
    *in friendship, hugs, and smiles.  
    Play Quote  

    Contact me at: marla.finley@slps.org