- Clyde C. Miller Career Academy High School
- College Resources
Universities & Colleges Temporarily Waiving ACT/SAT Requirements for 2021 ONLY
The colleges listed in the link have temporarily waived ACT/SAT scores for admissions for the Class of 2021. Please check with your prospective institution for additional details.
Colleges and Universities Temporarily Waiving ACT SAT Requirements for 2021 ONLY.pdf 913.49 KB (Last Modified on September 9, 2020) -
Scholarship Websites
Many links of databases to search for scholarships. Scholarship Central has a much smaller pool of applicants (better chances of winning) because it only serves the metro area!
Application Fee Waiver
Fee waiver form for college applications. Must be printed, filled out, and sent to each school that requires fees to apply.
Junior Year College Timeline
What to do during Junior year to bulk up your profile for colleges/jobs
Junior Summer Checklist
What to do the summer after junior year to be ready for senior year and college
Ron Brown and Horatio Alger Scholarships
The Ron Brown and Horatio Alger Scholarship is now open for students to apply. Use this link for more information.
Test-Optional Schools
A nationwide list of all test-optional (they do not require ACT scores) schools
How to Create a Resume for College
Tips for building a resume for college admissions. Remember, a resume is ALWAYS changing.