
Information for 9th & 10th graders

  • Hello 9th & 10th graders!

    I am glad that you're excited about college and career options, and checking out this page! The most important thing you can do right now is to work hard in your classes.  Our current seniors are realizing how important their cumulative GPA is in their college applications.  Do you know how a cumulative GPA is calculated?  It is taken by adding up the grade points you earn for all of your classes, starting fall of 9th grade.  That means you can help yourself to be in a good position for college right now - by doing the best in your classes.  If you're struggling with something in class, that is ok, your teachers are here to help.  That is one of my favorite things about working at Collegiate, our teachers are willing to go above and beyond to help students be successful, you just have to ask for help.  Best wishes for a great school year!