

Degrees and Certifications:

Certified to teach Biology, Chemistry, PLTW Human Body Systems Doctorate of Chiropractic Bachelors of Science Human Biology

Dr. Mark Schisler

Name: Dr. Mark Schisler
District Email: 
Science Department 
Room Number: Room 103
Subject(s):  (Current) AP Biology, Project Lead the Way: Human Body Systems  (Previous) Honors Biology, Chemistry, Physics First
I am a graduate of Logan University with a Doctorate of Chiropractic degree, and a Bachelor of Science Human Biology degree. I practiced Chiropractic locally for 15 years, then began my teaching career in 2010. I have been at Collegiate since 2016. I love teaching because I love learning. I am intensely curious about how and why things work and try to instill intellectual curiosity in my students every day by asking them lots of questions and encouraging them to do the same. I am certified to teach 9-12 Biology and Chemistry by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, and Human Body Systems by Project Lead the Way.
I am a family man. I have been married to my wife Amy since 1991. We have three grown children. Our oldest son graduated from SLUH then UMSL is in IT. My second son graduated from Bishop DuBourg High then UMSL and daughter graduated from Bishop DuBourg the Truman State. Both are Registered Nurses working in local hospitals. We love to spend family vacations at the lake or occasionally in Mexico. I value my family life and strive to maintain a positive work-life balance.
I am very excited about this year. I have always believed that a great teacher is one that can truly connect with students. I can't wait to get to know all of you!