• Tevlin CSMB Art


    John Tevlin

    Name: Mr. John Tevlin
    Email: john.tevlin@slps.org
    Art Department
    Room Number: 104
    Courses Taught: Art 1 Introduction, Art 2 Drawing and Painting, Art 3 Sculpture, Art 4 Advanced Independent Study
    Student Clubs/Organizations: Community Service through gardening and landscaping projects on campus
    Hello all and welcome 'back'? As we begin this year, I hope all of you who are returning have been keeping up with your sketchbooks, and for all of you new to CSMB or just new to my class I will require you to acquire, or make a sketchbook/ folder/ journal, for ALL things related to your art class.
    When you are invited to our class team you will see the weight I put on this collective log of your art experience and hope that this practice of keeping an ongoing visual journal of your time and thoughts will assist you all in ways in and beyond my art class.

    Free stuff is a good thing for any budget. Know also that nature is free. Other materials, unfortunately, may need to be purchased for your art class (glue, tape, paint) and these are to be determined.  Some supplies can be given out, but it is limited.

    Keep drawing and journaling in your sketchbooks.

    Contact me via e-mail: I will respond within a day if not right away.

    Teacher's Message:
    "I am a passionate artist and a prolific art maker; I intend to inspire the act of creating art in my students. I received my Bachelors of Fine Art, and sculpture major at the Kansas City Art Institute. My desire is for my students to look at the world with accepting eyes and open minds, before dismissing, and to care as opposed to not caring and perpetuating apathy. I also push my students to not fear creating, and to be able to say ‘I can do that’ with confidence, whether it is drawing, writing, talking, or thinking creatively. As teachers, we must empower our young people and strengthen not only their minds but their entire person, emotionally, socially, intellectually, and spiritually by giving them healthy physical outlets for artistic expression. I love art and strive to share as much as I can to whomever I can.

    When asked why I am a teacher, I answer that I aspire to inspire. My meaning of this is somewhat ambiguous, but as a base idea, I like the vagueness and leave the options of its application as such. My reasons for pursuing the educational field stem from an urge to offer to others the skills and knowledge that I have acquired. It is our social duty to enrich younger generations with the collective reserve of knowledge our history provides. Every approach to education has one goal in common, to further the betterment of society in a general or specific way. I believe that to educate a young person in art, one must first make them aware of whatever it is that they are about to learn. Awareness of the world's exterior to themselves, as well as themselves, is fundamentally needed education.

    Character development for young people is equally important as intellectual and academic development. I see that the role or job of a teacher is not to show the world to the student, but to give them knowledge to confront the obstacles they will face when they find themselves suddenly out in the world. I find that inspiring pride and passion to be the most appealing part of becoming a teacher. It is also equally important to give my art students the means to express themselves to the world.

    Any school I teach in becomes filled with art. As a prolific artist, my students have an abundance of art and experience not only how to make but also why it is that we make."
